What Is Behind the Upheaval in Peru’s Government? - Mercedes Araoz, interview

Peruvian President Pedro Castillo, who took office last July, on Tuesday swore in his fourth prime minister, former Justice Minister Aníbal Torres. Castillo’s last prime minister, Héctor Valer, resigned last week after just four days on the job amid Peruvian President Pedro Castillo, who took office last July, on Tuesday swore in his fourth prime minister, former Justice Minister Aníbal Torres. Castillo’s last prime minister, Héctor Valer, resigned last week after just four days on the job amid domestic violence allegations, which he has denied. (...) Mercedes Aráoz, senior professor of finance at the Universidad del Pacífico and former vice president of Peru: “Castillo reminds us of the tale of the Emperor’s New Clothes. The president is unable to see that he himself is causing this crisis in Peru. He removed allies of Nuevo Perú from his cabinet. Ministers are now making strong accusations of corruption, and a shadow cabinet didn’t allow his former prime minister. ... Leer más
Latin America Advisor Diario Latin America Advisor |
226.92 cm2
Ancho10.31 cm |
Altura22.01 cm |
37.00 %
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